Figuring out the value of your personal injury claim is crucial to how you proceed with your legal case. After all, the defense will likely approach you with a settlement offer that might seem great but after consideration of your needs falls well short of what you...
Motor Vehicle Accidents
New automatic braking systems could prevent truck accidents
Statistics are clear that semi-trucks pose a threat to motorists. In 2022 alone, more than 120,000 of these big rigs were involved in an accident that resulted in injury, while nearly 6,000 of them were involved in a deadly crash. The number of semi-trucks involved in...
Why are traffic fatalities increasing in Missouri?
According to the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety, the number of traffic fatalities in Missouri rose in 2022 for the third year in a row. The organization's data for last year shows that 1,057 people died in roadway crashes, making it the deadliest year for...
What you need to know about comparative fault in Missouri
In the aftermath of a car accident, the thought of pursuing a personal injury lawsuit may bring you some sort of comfort. After all, if you’re successful on one of these claims, you might be able to recover the compensation that you need to offset your medical...
Tips for avoiding wrong-way accidents
Wrong-way accidents are rare when compared to other types of vehicle accidents. However, when they do happen, they most likely result in head-on collisions and deaths. They are the most serious type of motor vehicle collisions, but there are things you can do to...
Financial strategies to help while your lawsuit is pending
You’ve got a lot to think about following your car accident. Although you might be concerned about how to alleviate your pain and suffering, your primary focus is probably on how to make ends meet. After all, the damages that have been unfairly thrust upon you can be...